It’s Clear!
As more and more organizations recognize the need for coaching and look for ways to deliver it to a workforce more dispersed than ever, the search for new and innovative ways to deliver it intensifies.
People are key!
The need for more coaching support is evident because while technology, innovation, people, and process are all critical contributors to an organization’s success, people remain the critical element.
People are the glue that holds everything together.
Without people – nothing sticks!
For the workplace to be successful – people must be successful – and coaching provides a highly-effective way to help people be their best and achieve success.
Why coach? Some facts:
- 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence.
- Over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.
- 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.
(Source: ICF)
So — here are today’s coaching challenges:
How to provide coaching to the greatest number of people in the most cost-effective way.
How to provide coaching to a workforce more dispersed than ever before as recent events have moved people out of the office. Many will continue to work from remote locations.
To address these challenges we “reinvented the wheel” so you won’t have to.
Something had to change because for too long traditional ways – what we call “old school” — were used to provide coaching support to an all too limited number of people. Today, “old school” is being replaced with “new school” and this evolution is changing the face of coaching in the workplace. Here’s what we did:
From old school:
When coaching and other types of performance support were typically limited to a select group of senior executives. As a result most people didn’t get the coaching support needed to address and overcome everyday workplace challenges successfully.
To new school:
Where everyone has access to coaching support. With QwikCoach every person in the organization can have the 24/7 support needed to be at the top of their professional game and consistently achieve desired results. With QwikCoach everyone can have the help they need to get moving in the right direction.
Recognizing the need for coaching is the first step.
Building a high-effective coaching culture is the next.
Want a simple, direct, and affordable way to bring the benefits of coaching to your organization?
It’s here — Coaching with QwikCoach!
Learn more About QwikCoach for the Enterprise
Explore the future – today!
How QwikCoach Works – An Overview
With QwikCoach for the enterprise, you’ll get three significant benefits immediately.
- Managers and leaders will have an online tool they can use to help coach themselves and coach others.
- Individual workers and team members will have direct access to an online coach they can use to get the coaching support they need and deserve — support that will help them overcome workplace challenges and achieve new levels of workplace success.
- A highly effective way to build a culture that engages and empowers, and enables everyone to get the help they need to be their very best.
Want to learn even more?
Here’s a quick summary of the tools available to help organizations develop and maintain an effective coaching culture and high-performance workplace:
Our flagship online coaching support tool that provides workplace performance support for everyone in 14 areas of competence critical to workplace success.
QwikTips Blog
Dozens of additional workplace insights and coaching suggestions that supplement the QwikCoach tool.
QwikCoach Plus eBooks
Two additional resources that provide an array of insights into today’s workplace and how individuals and organizations can use QwikCoach to overcome challenges and excel.
Implementing QwikCoach
A comprehensive and complete way for organizations of all sizes to implement QwikCoach and use this state-of-the-art virtual coaching program to achieve ongoing and long-term benefits. All the help you need to launch QwikCoach in your organization.
Coaching Others for Performance Excellence
An online training program designed to help managers coach others and help those who receive coaching support to be more receptive to the coaching process. May also be delivered in-person.
The Workplace Performance Coaching Program
A series of coaching videos and tailored activities designed to help individuals use the online QwikCoach tool and provide organizations additional support in building an effective coaching culture.
Competency Modeling
With this QwikCoach service, we’ll map your organization’s core competencies to QwikCoach content and in this way support your efforts to promote the widespread and active use of your organization’s Competency Model. Contact Us to discuss options, pricing, and to learn more about this exciting new way to operationalize your competency model.