Today, the need for effective workplace coaching is greater than ever, and individuals and organizations are looking for new and innovative ways to get needed coaching support. QwikCoach is an online coaching support tool that is revolutionizing the way workplace coaching is delivered – and here’s the really exciting news:
ECA is looking to work with a select group of affiliates – individual practitioners and organizations that provide complementary services and who would like to offer their customers an exciting opportunity to get the benefits associated with online coaching.
Whether you’re an independent executive coach or a technology, consulting, or coaching company delivering solutions aimed at improving the workplace and the individuals who inhabit it, we have a complementary offering we believe you’ll want to know more about.
As a QwikCoach affiliate you get the following benefits:
Great Coaching Content
Access to extensive and ever expanding world class coaching content – easily accessible in a web-based coaching solution called QwikCoach.
Unique Branding
A private label option that allows you to market QwikCoach to your clients as an extension of your coaching practice or performance improvement offerings.
Expanded Reach
The ability to expand your reach to people and places you once might have thought impossible.
Implementation Support
A set of implementation best practices to insure your success.
Increased Revenue Potential
A new revenue stream that leverages the latest in online coaching technology.
The ability to customize content to meet the unique needs of any individual client or client organization.
QwikCoach is passionate about coaching and making the benefits of great coaching available to as many people as possible. We believe one of the best ways to do this is by working with individuals and firms that are already established in the coaching community and who appreciate the benefits of expanding their current tool set and enhancing their ability to impact an even larger audience. QwikCoach will allow you to do just this and in doing so make coaching, performance support, and wide scale implementation a reality — not just an empty promise.
To take the first step, just complete the short application below.
We’ll review your application and send you an e-mail within five business days indicating your affiliate status and a description of next steps if your request to become an affiliate is approved.